![Wilkie Collins to Chauncy Hare Townshend. 5 June 1857](/perch/resources/publication1.jpg)
Wilkie Collins to Chauncy Hare Townshend. 5 June 1857
Dickens had told him that Townshend desired his brother's address which he supplies. It gives him the chance to affirm that he still believes in the supernatural origin of a ghost story.
Dear Mr Townshend,
At the
pleasant dinner of Tuesday
Dickens told me that
you were desirous of
knowing my brother’s address.
It is “17 Hanover Terrace”
in the Regents Park -
until the 24th of this
month. After that
period we move into
a new house - No 2
Harley Place, Upper
Harley Street, New Road -
where my brother will
have his studio.
I forgot to give you
this little payment of
information, in the
interest of our discussion
about the bell-pulling
ghosts. I am afraid
I believe still in
the supernatural origin
of the nine o’clock ring
partly, I suspect, because
it would make such
a picturesque-awful opening
for a ghostly Romance!
I remain | Dear to Townshend,
ever truly yours
Wilkie Collins [signature]
To | The Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend